

Pachter's Pointers:
Business Etiquette Tips & Career Suggestions


Tips for Young Women in the Workforce

There has been a lot of buzz lately about women in the workplace, caused to a large degree by Sheryl Sandberg’s recent book Lean In, which encourages women to “lean in” to their ambitions and to speak up so their voices are heard.

After conducting hundreds of women’s seminars and coaching numerous female executives, I believe that a lot of women could benefit from “leaning in.” Many of the career-limiting factors that I began speaking about in seminars more than 20 years ago are still evident today, in a new generation of young women. Consider the following:

• A newly appointed vice president who said that she had never thought about becoming a CEO until her mentor told her, “You could be running this place in a few years.”

• An unmarried college student who decided not to become a physician (her career choice for many years) because she wanted to “have a life.” She hoped to marry and have children, and decided that she couldn’t have a successful family life and a career as a physician.

• The young woman who became all-but-invisible in her office because she rarely voiced her opinion, and when she did say something, she spoke so softly that no one heard her.

• The (formerly) successful businesswoman who said, “My husband does very well. I don’t have to work.” Yet she was bored at home and missed the challenges she had encountered at work.

Though these examples touch on very different scenarios, they highlight how women can restrict themselves and/or their careers through their own actions. Before women can take control of their lives and their careers, they have to recognize what they are doing to handicap themselves.

In addition to Leaning In, there are numerous books, such as Breaking Into the Boys’ Club by Molly D. Shepard, that can help women advance in the workplace. Here are my suggestions:

1. Don’t set limits on yourself. Be open to opportunities. Aim high. More and more women are advancing in the workplace. You can be one of them. The vice president cited above noted that once her mentor expressed the possibility of her advancement, she began thinking that she could become the CEO of her company.

2. Don’t limit your options based on an unknown future. No one knows what the future will hold. There will always be obstacles, regardless of your choices. If you are smart enough to advance, you will be smart enough to find solutions. I know a number of career women, including physicians, who successfully balance having children and a career.

3. Appreciate history. Learn about the struggles of women in the past. Had it not been for the efforts of women before you, many of the opportunities that you have today wouldn’t exist. Oprah Winfrey said, “I have crossed over on the backs of Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman and Fannie Lou Hamer and Madam C.J. Walker. Because of them I can now live the dream. I am the seed of the free, and I know it. I intend to bear great fruit.” I believe that I wouldn’t have been hired by the Philadelphia Bulletin in the late 1970s as that newspaper’s first female photojournalist (my first profession) had it not been for the women of the New York Times who fought for parity in the newsroom. Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Nan Robertson wrote about the lawsuit in her book, The Girls in the Balcony.

4. Learn from others. Have role models and mentors. What have they done that you can incorporate into your career? A woman in one of my seminars had four young sons, worked full time, and still found the time to earn her MBA. To help her manage family and career, she had a to-do list that included weekly family meetings to discuss the upcoming week’s activities.

5. Pick the father of your children wisely. Once you have children, life gets more complicated. You will want someone who is a partner in every sense, someone who supports you and your career.

6. Present yourself assertively. Learn what you are doing, verbally and nonverbally, that could be detracting from your power. Speak up and let people know your opinions. Ask for what you want. There are numerous classes and books available that can teach you to present yourself assertively, including my free Special Report: 5 “Power” Essentials Every Working Woman Needs To Know, and my book, The Power of Positive Confrontation.

There is not one perfect career path for everyone, but you want to be in control of your career. Explore your options and think about what you really want. Why not go for it? You may be surprised at how successful you will be!

More tips can be found in my new book, The Essentials of Business Etiquette: How to Greet, Eat and Tweet Your Way to Success (McGraw Hill).

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Pachter & Associates provides women’s seminars and coaching. For additional information, contact Joyce Hoff at 856.751.6141 or


  1. Anonymous7/02/2013

    From A Reader:
    Great article, Barbara! I believe you will be an important figure in the advancement of young women in the 21st Century!...

    I agree with your examples, having worked in the corporate environment for four decades and having hired, trained and mentored many young women. And, of course, being a women myself who went through the Mad Men era going toe to toe with those who tried to block my progress. As long as I had to work, I wanted to be running the show, not the errands. And, I want that for my daughter and all women.

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  3. Anonymous7/29/2013

    From a Reader:
    Thanks for your blog, Barbara! I enjoyed reading your advice, which is great for women who are embarking on a career in the pharmaceutical industry. I particularly enjoyed your comment: "If you are smart enough to advance, you will be smart enough to find solutions." After more than 20 years in the industry, I can attest to this. When we are starting out, it's easy to only see the obstacles. But we learn a lot from trial and error, and eventually, we can carve out a career path that challenges us but still maintains our values. I was fortunate enough to learn from the examples of others, not just women but men as well. It also helps to look outside the industry. A few times a year, I try to read a biography of someone who inspires me. There are always lessons to learn, no matter where we are in our careers.

  4. Anonymous10/31/2013

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